Understanding Stress and Learning About Easy Ways To Manage It  



Date: The first Tuesday of every month

Time: 7:00 pm

Location: The Aleph Institute, Lower level- 5804 Beacon St., Pittsburgh, PA 15217 

Light refreshments will be served. 

RSVP by emailing [email protected], or call us at 412-421-0111 ext. 115




This program will offer education to help you understand the mental and physical effects of stress and will provide you with skills that will minimize the effect of stress on your health and give you the skills to help your children cope with stress.
Stress management  is intended for healthy individuals and for individuals with diseases where stress coping can influence the course of disease. Examples of diseases that may benefit from enhanced stress coping skills include hypertension, depression, asthma, arthritis, cancer, atherosclerotic heart disease, chronic pain, sleep disturbances, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, lupus, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease.
The program will give adults the ability to help children cope with stress. The effect of stress on young children include an increased risk of having altered learning ability, difficulty controlling behavior, and an increased risk of developing depression. Minimizing the amount of stress young children experience will have positive effects on their mental and physical health.



Who is Dr. Bruce Rabin?

Dr. Bruce Rabin

 Dr. Bruce Rabin has spent 45 years doing research in the science of coping with stress as Professor of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh and Medical Director of the Division of Clinical Immunopathology and the Healthy Lifestyle Program for UPMC. Dr. Rabin has the unique ability of bringing his academic experience into real-world application by developing and implementing stress-coping programs which have been shown to help people practice and adhere to behaviors that maintain their wellness and lower their risk of developing serious and potentially life-threatening conditions and diseases.

As a result of his work, people of all ages, socioeconomic levels, educational backgrounds and lifestyles are learning how to more effectively cope with the stress in their lives; new approaches to disease have been understood; mind-body connections are more widely and universally recognized; and innovative approaches to health care management have emerged.

In January 2017, Dr. Rabin retired from UPMC, and is now spreading his stress-coping programs throughout our community.  For the first time, Dr. Rabin has tailored his program specifically to help medical professions…and you are invited!