  • WelcomeThe Aleph Institute is a non-profit organization offering programs and services to incarcerated Jewish men, women, and their families. Read More
  • VolunteerAleph Institute needs volunteers to visit prisons, state hospitals, and group homes, to bring a touch of humanity to those disconnected from society. BRING LIFE TO ANOTHER HUMAN
  • In-Prison ProgramsWe offer religious programs and services for Jewish men and women in prison, with the help of trained Rabbis and lay volunteers. Read More
  • Alternative Sentencing ProgramThe Aleph Institute works with the courts to provide an effective and meaningful alternative to traditional incarceration. Read More
  • Shifra ProgramThe Aleph Institute's Project Shifra provides support for the community by working with jewish families to help secure basic needs and services. Learn More
We are a religious organisation that provides relief for incarcerated Jews and their families who tend to be overlooked by traditional American Jewish organisations. The Aleph Institute struggles against challenging odds to reach Jewish inmates who are scattered throughout the national prison system, state hospitals, and group homes. The programs and services of Aleph are designed to attain maximum impact not only within the prison environment, but also during the transition period after incarceration when a sense of religious community can help former convicts rebuild their lives as productive citizens. The success of Aleph's programs attests to the power of its Torah-based approach to serving prisoners, their families, and humanity.

Some programs are designed specifically for the Jewish population; however, our programs are not restricted to the Jewish community and we serve the broader community, as well, both in prison and in re-entry. Our center is open daily, and we see over 300 men and women every week who come for programs that help them improve their lives and stay healthy and productive. We assist with housing, social services, access to healthy food and healthcare, and employment resources.
More about Aleph

Read and learn more about the programs and services Aleph Institute provides for the community.
Annual Report
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Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13
Daily Thought
There are two types of miracles: Supernatural miracles and intranatural miracles. The water of the Nile turning into blood was entirely supernatural. The victory of the Maccabees over the Greek army came dressed as a natural occurrence—they had to fight to win. Both types of miracles are necessary. If we would see only miracles beyond nature, we would know that G‑d can do whatever He likes—but we might think He must break the rules to do so. We would know a G‑d who is beyond the natural world, but not within it. If we would see only miracles that are clothed...