This website is designated for those who visit prisons and jails under the auspices of the Aleph Institute - North East Region. If you have not been directed here by us, please note that the information contained here is not for you, and we kindly ask you leave. We consider this site as private and confidential.
- Nothing compares to experience, which you, the volunteer, will get as you visit the institutions. As you enter a very different community (or culture), we have prepared a few books that very briefly outline some guidelines in relation to prison visitation.
- Please take the time to read them. They will prepare you to be able to address the challenges of working with individuals who are incarcerated without facing the pitfalls one may otherwise experience.
- If you have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to message us. We periodically update these books.
- Training Video
- Manual 1
- Manual 2
- Manual 3
- Manual 4
- Bipolar Overview
- Federal Prison Clearance Form (BOP)
PA State Clearance Form
(The forms start on Page 16. Link takes a few seconds to load. ) - OH State Clearance Form