Alternative Sentencing Program 

Aleph works with the courts to provide an effective and meaningful alternative to the traditional criminal justice system. We do this by developing restorative programs while offenders continue to live at home and support their family. It incorporates retribution, financial restitution, deterrence, and rehabilitation and protects the interests of the community as set forth in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The program has already successfully engaged participants from communities throughout Southwest Pennsylvania.


In Prison programs

Aleph runs a series of programs that include the following high-impact services for prisoners, designed to attain maximum impact within the prison environment: Rabbinical visitation and counseling; provision of Shabbat supplies, books and other religious materials; Torah Studies and Leadership education; National Humanitarian Prisoner advocacy; Family Counseling.


Jewish Burial 

The Aleph Institute, in cooperation with other local Jewish agencies, will pick up the deceased from the prison and make the necessary arrangements for burial in accordance with Jewish law. These arrangements are made with no financial burden to the grieving family and all arrangements are made with utmost respect and dignity.


Kiddush, Grape juice, and Matzah

Kiddush on Shabbat is an important Jewish ritual, practiced weekly in Jewish homes. The Aleph Institute Kiddush Program will provide the institution with the grape juice and matzah needed. Institutions should contact our office to receive the supplies.


Project Shifra

A program at the Aleph Institute which provides support to families. Project Shifra works to connect individuals to resources for managing stress, the household, legal aid, finances, utilities, etc. Project Shifra aims to strengthen the community, raise awareness of abuse and the importance of mental health.


Re-Entry Programs

Aleph offers re-entry programs including job placement, rabbinical counseling, emergency housing and job application training for the newly or soon to be released prisoners. We also work with the prisoners and their families to help make the transition back into the community an easier experience for all. The Aleph Institute works hard to provide all the necessary programs, support, counseling, and assistance the prisoners and families need during this process. 


Torah Studies Program 

This program seeks to provide Jewish study material for the Jewish men and women who are otherwise separated from the Jewish community and cannot attend study groups or classes.

The Aleph Institute provides the courses for a nominal cost, recognizing that the average inmate in prison has limited financial means. We offer scholarships for the courses and the necessary books for those inmates who are indigent.